Friday, April 20, 2012


  Alright ladies and gentlemen, sorry for the late post, but today was pretty busy with work and what not. The title for today is relax for a reason.  Today was my off day, and I want to share a philosophy with you all.  I read an article in Men's Health once, that really put things into perspective for me. The guy explained that he did not have an eight pack. He had a four pack and a six pack in the fridge.  He then said that he believed you should enjoy life and not nitpick at every aspect of your life.  Have your beer every once in a while and let loose.  Even if you look at actor/actress interviews, they say they decrease their load when not working on a role because it is too stressful to deal with on a normal basis.  You can enjoy a cheeseburger and beer and still live a very healthy lifestyle. The key is moderation! I went out tonight, and I had a few beers and some southwest egg was great.  What is the point to having this amazing body and looking great if you are not enjoying the small things in life along the way?  Don't waste your life worrying about the number of abs you have.  Drink that beer and eat that burger guys! You know what you do next? Get up and work your butt off the next day! Just don't make a habit of it.  When you live like this, you don't feel guilty when you have nights like this.  You can enjoy them and know that tomorrow is a new day, and I will work this off and more!
  Now that I am off my soap box, here is the workout...I said it was my off day, but that doesn't mean I am not active!
  Thanks for reading guys, and I hope I am helping a few of you out there!
30 minutes- Yoga
10 minutes- easy jog

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